According to Coach Miller, many new Lakers will have big impacts but Lin will have the biggest of all because:
1. Lin will have the ball in his hands most as the primary PG
2. He has the ability to make others better
3. Under the mentor-ship of Nash
I just want to add that Lin makes others better due to following attributes:
A. Unselfishness: Lin shares the ball a lot and it is very contagious. It motivates players to move the ball and keep everyone happy & motivated on the both end of the floor- because they all get touches.
B. Awards runners: If players run and gun, Lin will award them by firing up long range passes. Take a look at Lin's Long Pass Highlights
C. Team chemistry: not only Lin will keep his teammates happy on the court, he is also a great locker room guy who is able to get along with anyone.
D. Great communicator: When Lin is on the floor, he constantly communicates with his teammates. He's a proven floor general... when given the chance to be the role.