Saturday, July 19, 2014

Novak & Lin at basketball training camp in Taiwan for AsiaTour 2014

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Lin and Novak both held a basketball camp in Beijin last year. "His teaching method is great and he is really into it. He really loves teaching basketball and is very nice to the kids. He's never been to Taiwan, so I invited him this year."

Novak recalls Two years ago, him and Lin both almost got kicked out of the league. He did not expect to go through thick & thin with Lin over at Knick, and boost career value. The experience of helping each other was special to him. Afterwards, one went to Rockets, the other went to Raptors. Novak jokes saying he hopes this year he can get trade back to play with Lin. Now that Novak is in Utah and Lin got sent to Los Angeles, eventho it's closer, but they are still on still different teams. He believe Jazz will be more entertaining to watch this year than last.
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